Gynack Mill Trail, Kingussie

Start point from hotel: 0 miles
Distance: 2.3km / 1.5 miles
Ascent: 50m
Time: 1 hour
Grade: 1/5
This short, easy walk follows the Gynack Burn to explore the history of Kingussie. It can be linked to the Creag Bheag and Tom Baraidh route to make a much longer walk.
More details at
Start point from hotel: 0 miles
Distance: 18km / 11.25 miles
Ascent: 682 metres
Time: 4 – 5 hours
Grade: 3/5
Start point from hotel: 0 miles
Distance: 7km / 4.25 miles
Ascent: 273m
Time: 2.5 – 3.5 hours
Grade: 2/5
Start point from hotel: 0 miles
Distance: 11.25km / 7 miles
Ascent: 365m
Time 2.5 – 3.5 hours
Start point from hotel: 18 miles
Distance: 10km / 6.25 miles
Ascent: 144 metres
Time: 2 – 3 hours
Grade: 2/5